Well, as someone who is reading my blog, I might guess that the importance of art is not a question in your mind. In any case, many people might wonder, why buy something from an artist if perhaps their own child can do something like that? As it is, never the case 🤐
The Other Art Fair Virtual Edition, presented by Saatchi Art took place May 23 - June 5 2022. Click here to see and feel my booth experience in photos! + Meet The Others X Liis Koger VIDEO.
From 7th of July until 12th of July, festival KLAASPÄRLIMÄNG / GLASPERLENSPIEL takes place at Tartu Jaani Church. Every year, there is an artist who gives a visual transformation to the music: into the paintings ...
Personal photo gallery of opening at HORTUS BOTANICUS exhibition at Türi Gallery on 3rd of May 2022. Curator Tiina Tammetalu. Exhibition up until 31st of May!
On Saturday, we had a really nice exhibit opening at the Museum Of New Art in Pärnu, Estonia. A lot of painters exhibiting there and the show is well set, too. This time, the title is worth the fact that it is really a jubilee exhibition: LOVE STORY. An act of love, painting it is. This, which is painted, and the action itself. Come visit if you can! The show will be up until 29.05.2022.
For the ones who did not reach my personal exhibition at Põhjala Gallery in Tallinn that took place throughout December 2021, here are some photos of paintings exhibited there.
Kevadel oli Liis Kogeril näitus Telliskivi Loomelinnakus, nüüd sügisel Põhjala tehases. Üks endine raudteeremonditehas, teine kunagine kummikuvabrik ehk siis industriaalsed ja robustsed keskkonnad mõlemad. Kuidas tema looming sellistes kohtades mõjub ja kuidas sobib kodu- või kontoriinterööri? Autor ise igatahes loodab, et helgust ja värvi loovalt ning jagab alljärgnevalt lisaks oma mõtteid nii romaanikirjutamisest kui maratonijooksust.