Q&A: Complimentary shipping within Estonia for purchases €500 and up, international shipping is free for orders €1500 and above. All shipments get tracking code. Paintings can be exchanged if not suitable. You are welcome at the studio to choose a painting, too. For extra photos and/or video of an artwork or other questions, please use contact form.

How My Day Looks? An interview for NOAR.eu

How My Day Looks? An interview for NOAR.eu

Overview of my exhibition at St. Jacob's Church in Viimsi, Estonia

Overview of my exhibition at St. Jacob's Church in Viimsi, Estonia

The exhibition took place June-July 2020. Curator Erkki Juhandi.
Wonderful Italy Awaits

Wonderful Italy Awaits

Wonderful Italy awaits my painting MAN CARRYING A CHILD to participate at an AIAPI, UNESCO official partner exhibition HUMAN RIGHTS, curated by Roberto Ronca. AIAPI stands for Associazione Internazionale Arti Plastiche Italia.
Walking Through Magic With Ruudu Rahumaru

Walking Through Magic With Ruudu Rahumaru

Photographer: Ruudu Rahumaru
MUA: Ursula Ainso 
Model/artist/painter: Liis Koger
Liis Koger At Fahle Gallery In May-June 2019

Liis Koger At Fahle Gallery In May-June 2019

Liis Koger opened a solo show at Fahle Gallery in Tallinn. The exhibition lasts through May and ends in the middle of June 2019. The personal exhibition is curated by Meelis Tammemägi. All photos here are made by Endel Apsalon Photography and belong to the courtesy of Liis Koger Art. All paintings are Liis Koger originals.
How To Paint With Two Kids Under Three

How To Paint With Two Kids Under Three

Take painting with two kids under three as a training to be UNSTOPPABLE, which you are if you want it enough. After that, noone is ever going to say I don't have enough time so that you would consider it serious. The only way to achieve the outcome of your thought manifesting in reality is to actually practice creating something step by step, even if the gorilla gets in your room.
Vanemuise Concert Hall exhibition overview

Vanemuise Concert Hall exhibition overview

Exhibition at Vanemuise Concert Hall in Tartu, Estonia is now over. 

I am adding some photos for those of you who could not visit it, 

so you can have an idea how it all was and how the paintings were

when hanging up there. 



Wow! I am so honored to be exhibited at Tartu Art Museum for Estonian living legend of abstract painting, Lola Liivat's jubilee show. 
How To Make Something Invisible Visible?

How To Make Something Invisible Visible?

There's a huge difference between the standard of living and the standard of life. While the first allows us to surround ourselves with plenty of pretty stuff, most of it stays hidden in the drawers, cupboards and garages. The second on the other hand is focusing on what can be perceived with all our senses. 


My second child, Ekke, was born on 16th of July. Welcome, Cancerian Rainbow boy!  There is so much in common between creating a human being and creating a painting. All is letting life come through. Isn't it strange how mothers/creators talk about birthpains and suffering (of an artist), but none focuses on the pains of the newborn. It must be a huge thing coming onto this planet. All the atmosphere changes to bare!
Exhibition In Mahedik Going On In Full Strength

Exhibition In Mahedik Going On In Full Strength

If you happen to visit Pärnu, the summer capital of Estonia,
and want to eat, you can enjoy wonderful organic food at Mahedik
The café lies in the city centre, is popular among both locals and tourists,
and you can have food for the soul for free on walls while you're eating the real things. My paintings just made clement (hint to the name of the place) so intense.
Summertime Painting With Kids

Summertime Painting With Kids

Let's have some fun now! It can't be all work in summer.

Some inspiration to make it meaningul to get dirty. 

To prove how the unknown is the best practice (in life). 

To show how the kiddos really love being creative

AND joining in on what you do.