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Coming up: GALLERIA PIRKKO-LIISA TOPELIUS. Personal Exhibition "Consciousness Of Elements" in HELSINKI

“Consciousness Of Elements” — Liis Koger 20.08. – 8.09.2024

In this exhibition, Estonian artist Liis Koger has created and collected paintings that belong to the category of elements, in terms of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Accordingly, paintings in one category resemble the physical world of the element: Earth paintings are rather yellow, water paintings blue... But that would be a childlike description. In Feng shui, the fifth element is Metal.

All of these are roots to existence, for an environment to achieve harmony and balance. The idea behind this system begun in early Taoism, but has gathered popularity ever since and spread all over the world. People believe organising their homes accordingly using certain elements in one part of the house, brings good luck in that precise field of life.

Liis Koger has developed these philosophical principles into abstract paintings, considering that each of these elements has its own consciousness. Here, we can see a lot of different aspects about them, being largely channelled to elastic-plastic form within the handwriting of a painting.

Liis Koger was born in 1989 in Estonia and has graduated from University Of Tartu with a degree in Painting. She has exhibited actively the past 10+ years. In 2023, she had a personal exhibition at Estonian House in New York City, USA. She has participated at joint exhibitions in Sweden, Finland, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg. Her works are up to see at public spaces: The Parliament Of Estonia, Institute Of Mathematical Statistics, Pärnu Hospital. See her paintings and vision at:

Opening reception: 20.08.2024 5pm-7pm

This exhibition is organised as a collaboration between Gallery Pirkko-Liisa Topelius and Simson Holding.

Liis Koger, Pirkko-Liisa TOPELIUS galleria Helsinki

liis koger pirkko liisa topelius gallery helsinki abstract art
Elements Of Earth II: Pure Gold. 2024, acrylics on linen, 80 x 100 cm.

liis koger abstract art pirkko liisa topelius gallery helsinki
Fire Elements I: It's Nobody's Fault. The Red Flowers. 2024, acrylics on linen, 90 x 90 cm.