Complimentary shipping within Estonia for purchases €500 and up, international shipping is free for orders €1500 and above. Paintings can be exchanged if not suitable. For extra photos or other questions, please use contact form.

New Choice Of Paintings Up At DIANA ARNO

DIANA ARNO showroom is proud to present its first painter: me. Four of my paintings are up there, ready to delight the eye of clientele, when they come to see this wonderful haute couture. Everything is at its best there! Here are a few photos of the small exhibition. See more about DIANA ARNO here. They are located at the famous Rotermanni quarter in Tallinn city centre.

Liis Koger Diana Arno Rotermanni quarter Artist Painter Abstract Art Abstract Paintings Haute Couture

Liis Koger Diana Arno Rotermanni quarter Artist Painter Abstract Art Abstract Paintings Haute Couture

Liis Koger Diana Arno Rotermanni quarter Artist Painter Abstract Art Abstract Paintings Haute Couture

Liis Koger Diana Arno Rotermanni quarter Artist Painter Abstract Art Abstract Paintings Haute Couture