Complimentary shipping within Estonia for purchases €500 and up, international shipping is free for orders €1500 and above. Paintings can be exchanged if not suitable. For extra photos or other questions, please use contact form.

Today I Am Cooking

...Oskar And Linda 

YES, the photo could be way better. 
YES, the photo could be made in a more suitable location than on an electric cooker. 

BUT when the inspiration hits, you gotta do what you gotta do, whereever you are and whenever it hits you...
So this photo is really raw, the paint has not even began to dry.  

On this small painting, one can see my son Oskar and his best friend Linda at Tähtvere Sports Park. 


If you want to make a special memory into an original & everlasting painting, write me at . It would be an honour to do so and I'm sure the receiver will be very happy too, whether it's for Christmas, birthday or any other anniversary. 
