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Personal exhibition LIPS APOCALYPSE at Gourmet Coffee Kadriorg

Personal exhibition going on at Gourmet Coffee in Kadriorg since January 2024. Paintings there are personal and romantic, as is the first sip of coffee in the morning :)

The title refers to the exhibition space aura - they really do serve a great coffee! That offers lips apocalypse once it meets you... 

Here some photos of the exhibition. You can see the show in Tallinn, at address L. Koidula 13a. 

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition

Gourmet Coffee Liis Koger personal exhibition Lips Apocalypse