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How To Make Something Invisible Visible?

There's a huge difference between the standard of living and the standard of life. While the first allows us to surround ourselves with plenty of pretty stuff, most of it stays hidden in the drawers, cupboards and garages. The second on the other hand is focusing on what can be perceived with all our senses. 

Not many things can touch us at the same time: it's the limitedness of a human mind. And there's nothing bad to it - who would possibly want to digest all the information we are receiving? The more important it is TO MAKE A CHOICE. It is the best to get rid of all the emotionally cheap stuff around, to purify the mental space. Less things, more value. 

When we buy a beautiful thing, how often do we consider how many times it will be of use? I am experiencing all the time that a tablecloth changes your mood way more than an expensive dress that's almost never used. That is: if you see the tablecloth often enough. 

It is like the mists of Avalon - when one is travelling through the ocean of possibilities, there is a foggy place until you reach the destination. The story with a painting is, if you situate it at a visible place, it can bring the invisible to you to open it up. If you want more multidimensionality, make it seen! The joy is in showing up to what matters most. Make a difference.

Touch. 2018, oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm