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Exhibition In Mahedik Going On In Full Strength

If you happen to visit Pärnu, the summer capital of Estonia,
and want to eat, you can enjoy wonderful organic food at Mahedik
The café lies in the city centre, is popular among both locals and tourists,
and you can have food for the soul for free on walls while you're eating the real things. My paintings just made clement (hint to the name of the place) so intense.

And if you want, for the extra cost, you can grab some paintings home with you!
Have the good taste and visit Mahedik for the several worthy reasons mentioned!

Some photos of the hanging process...

Hanging the paintings in Mahedik

First Glimpse

Flowers Run Riot, a painting by Liis Koger

Signs Of Sunlight and other paintings by Liis Koger

The Penguin In Tropical Landscape by Liis Koger

And off we go...

Serenity Cut