Q&A: Complimentary shipping within Estonia for purchases €500 and up, international shipping is free for orders €1500 and above. All shipments get tracking code. Paintings can be exchanged if not suitable. You are welcome at the studio to choose a painting, too. For extra photos and/or video of an artwork or other questions, please use contact form.

Oh, It's So Personal! The Cost Of A Piece Of Soul

There is this neverending debate about the intimate soul of an artwork. 
The source from which the finalized painting came from in the first place. 
The feelings that were put into the painting. 
The effect it has in the room it is situated in (for forever?). 


It is very hard to decide sometimes, because there is a VERY thin line. 
If you do art like me, you create; whether with the precise idea or not, you go with the flow, that means, let the divine guide you. 

And only afterwards, sometimes, you discover what the work was all about; or maybe even, for WHO, what about, (OF WHOM) ...as it happened for me (once 😂). 


So all this, to explain, that I have removed one of my most popular (and important) artworks, UNIVERSAL LOVE, from the homepage shop collection M (medium-sized paintings), because as I discovered -- specially according to the first title of this artwork, GIVING BIRTH 🤔, this really is an artwork I should save for my oldest son, Oskar 😊 
So, I cannot really sell it. For whatever price. 

Universal Love. 2018-2019, oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm. 


But the feelings do dictate a lot and that's why some paintings of mine are way higher in price than others. It's not because the work is artistically that much better or worse, but it's the emotional relation I have with the certain piece. I cannot give it up for whatever (personal, subjective!) reason for a lower price. And I never will. (These paintings are never on the sale category.)


Once, I happened to sell a painting that I later understood to be extremely important for me on a deep personal level. The painting was up at Swedbank private banking area and the exhibition was organised by Haus Gallery. All the paintings had to be or were for sale, and this one got sold, too. I was actually very happy about it. Until I started missing that artwork! 

I tried to buy it back and exchange it for 3 of my artworks, but none of that worked - this painting had become the same important for the buyer. This painting is called "The Boy With A Yellow Ball". Let me say, it is NOT figuring Oskar, it is JUST what it is: a boy with a yellow ball. I just started missing it, and relating to it, and so did the buyers who bought this artwork for their son. For 1st birthday. How smart of parents are these?! The smartest you'll ever meet probably, to start thinking about emotional worth as well as investment returns in long term for such an early age. 

I applaud. 

And I will not sell "Universal Love" anytime soon. Or never. I might let Oskar decide 🤔 In 20 years? In any case, it was a big lesson to be learned in the field of what being an artist means. If you make your everyday living with it, do you have to give up everything? Where does the line lay? It's a complicated task to learn, because each artwork has its soul. It's the lesson of a lifetime. 

The Boy With A Yellow Ball. 2017, oil on canvas, 100 x 120 cm.