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Live painting coming up at Hoovus Festival!


Long time no hear! I wanted to announce that also this year, I'm going to paint at a music festival. This time, it is going to be Hoovus Festival at Vääna-Jõesuu, on 20th of July! I had the honour to be invited by one of the organisers, musician and artist Angeelia Pedaja. 

The festival introduces itself as a cozy music & arts gourmet event. The list of performers is not long nor short – it has a rather precise vibe who the festival hosts, and I'm so happy to be part of it! This year, the performers include: 
Erki Pärnoja & Anna Kaneelina    Ingrid Lukas    Angie Nara    Hanakiv    Reinis Jaunais    The Flamenco Thief    Mick Pedaja

I believe the whole evening is for quite a specific taste, bringing together people who love forest atmosphere, nature in all its forms, enjoy humble & warm atmospheres without loud noises & stress & mass media... So, it is pretty much for the perfect human of future who worships mother Earth and enjoys soulful self-expression... 

My road bringing (or rather turning?) music to visual art has been taking place since very beginning. Last year, I happened to paint at Klaaspärlimäng festival. See it in photos here or see live videos at my Instagram

See about the festival coming up HERE. Hoping to see some of you, who are on the same Path!

